About us

Humint O was developed by Terence Faul, who has a background in accounting as well as a wealth of experience in the eye care industry. He has been the managing director of the robust Total Optometric Management System (TOMS), for nearly twenty years. 

It has taken four years to develop Humint, involving all the phases, Pre-alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release candidate, and Stable. Humint has been operational within a selected group of users for two years and is classified as stable. Our focus is one single market, which is optometry. There are no other distractions.

Humint has an office in Johannesburg and employs a team to provide full back up and training country-wide. As an online system, the back-up service can be quick and effective.

Humint O is the first online management package available to South African optometrists. It has all the bells and whistles imaginable here. The fact that it is an online system, brings a multitude of benefits, but perhaps the most important aspect is an integrated accounting component, with real-time reports, which will allow the optometrist to keep a finger on the pulse of the practice at all times and manage the business to maximise profit.

As a paperless system, Humint O has many impressive modules for the clinician.

The Humint operation has the capacity to take over the complete bookkeeping and management accounts function of your practice, giving you complete control over the financial management of your business.

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